UNIMA Indonesia profile
- Art and culture of Indonesian wayang (puppetry) has already reached outward far away internationally. On 7 November 2003, UNESCO declared Indonesian wayang as a Masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity. Declaration was held in Paris-France. Further, on 1 December 2006, Asean Puppetry Association (APA) was established, the declaration of which was held at the Vice-Presidential Palace and was witnessed by the Indonesian Vice President at that time, His Excellency Mr. Jusuf Kalla. The Secretariat of Asean Puppetry Association is in Jakarta.
- To further preserve, develop, promote and socialize wayang, in addition to enhance the cooperation among wayang/puppetry communities all over the world, Indonesia has joined UNIMA International.
- In accordance with UNIMA Constitution, to join UNIMA International in a country, it has to be done by its national puppetry organization; in this respect UNIMA Indonesia has been established by Sena Wangi (Sekretariat Nasional Pewayangan Indonesia/ Indonesian National Wayang Secretariat) and Pepadi (Persatuan Pedalangan Indonesia/ Indonesian Puppeteers Union). The declaration of the establishment of UNIMA Indonesia was signed on the 15 December 2009.
- Union International de la Marionette (UNIMA) as an international organization presently has 68 country-members from Asia, Europe, USA, and Australia with its headquarters in Charleville-Mezieres, France.
About Us
The origin of Indonesian puppet which is now internationally also known as WAYANG, has been in existence more than 1500 years as initially in the form to respect and devote to the spirits of ancestors. Although the influence of ancient Javanese culture is dominant, and the Sundanese, Balinese, Sumatra’s influences etc are also strong, the arrivals of Hindu, Budha, Islam and Christianity in Indonesia have contributed to a certain extent to the format and content of the present Indonesian wayang. Wayang is not only other kinds of entertainment, but it has been a source of noble moral values, moral teachings in addition to its functions as a means for disseminating information.
The stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata that originate from India have become the main branches of wayang stories not only in Indonesia but also in other parts of the world like South East Asian region. Presently, in Indonesia there are around 60 types of wayang and marionnette including the ones with non Ramayana-Mahabharata stories: such as wayang Suluh, Wayang Gebyog, Wayang Beber, Wayang Suket, Wayang Si Gale-Gale, SiI Unyil (that has ever been so popular on Indonesian television just like Muppet Show in USA), Wayang Potehi, etc.
Indonesian different types of wayang particularly Wayang Kulit Purwa (Javanese shadow puppet show), Wayang Bali, Wayang Orang (human puppet) and Wayang Golek Sunda (Sundanese Wooden Puppet) have performed countless numbers abroad. But, the encounter with other countries' puppetries in the terms of establishing organizations dates back in 2006 when ASEAN Puppetry Association was formed in Jakarta consisting of 10 ASEAN member countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar/Burma, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam; then Asian Puppetry Gathering (China, India and Indonesia) in 2008 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The Executive Board of UNIMA Indonesia National Center is as follows:
President : Ambassador T.A.Samodra Sriwidjaja
Vice President : DR. C. Harinowo
Vice President : Mariani Oyong
Secretary General : Susanto Hartanto
Vice Sec. General : Maria Theresia Widyastuti
Treasurer : Maria Yulita Samodra
The councilors of UNIMA Indonesia National Center are:
- DR. MAS Hikam
- DR Al Zastrouw Ngatawi
- Gaura Mancacaritadipura
- Indonesian wayang becomes a means and forum to enhance understanding and friendship among nations leading to worlds peace and welfare
- To intensify the socialization of art and culture of Indonesian wayang abroad.
- To increase cooperation in puppetry through various organizations and puppetry institutions at sub region, region, and global levels.
- To utilize wayang as an instrument of diplomacy to enhance friendship and understanding among nations.
- To keep performing Indonesian wayang/puppetry of its best quality in the international for a, so that it can be an exemplary model for puppetry in the world.